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Field Kindley Class of '92
Bulletin Board

Here's your chance to brag.....

Email anything that you'd like to brag to me about and I'll try to post it on this page.

I'll brag first...

Courtly Parker..divorced, no kids. I spent two years at CCC. Then I joined the army and spent 3 of those years working for NATO in Belgium. I'm currently working at St Francis Hospital in Tulsa and finishing up my commercial pilot's training at Spartan School of Aeronautics. I hope to be a flight instructor by this fall.

Courtney (Campbell) Moffitt, Bill and Cole...I went to KU right out of high school, and received a bachelor's in elementary ed. in 96. The fifth year was student teaching and grad classes, which I finished in 97. I married Bill Moffitt (class of 91) in July of 97, and we moved to Lillington, NC, just south of Raleigh. I took a job as a 1st grade teacher at a local school, while Bill took classes at Campbell University (ironic name). I completed my Masters at Campbell in 99, and changed schools. There I teach 1st and 2nd grade multiage, which I love. Bill is the assistant head professional at Carolina Lakes Golf and Country Club (which he loves). We had a beautiful baby boy March of 01, and named him Coleman Lawrence for his grandfathers. We very much look forward to catching up with all of you soon. Sounds like Cole will have a lot of friends to play with :)

Monique (Clumsky) Marquette and Jay...After finishing grad. school at KU, Jay and I got married in 1999 and moved to Overland Park, KS. I am currently teaching elemetary school in Blue Valley, and Jay is a physical therapist. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in June.

Terra (Hall) Freisberg...Had one daughter, Molly , in 1993. Got married to her dad and later divorced him. Got remarried in 1997 to a wonderful man, whose name is Jack. We will be married 5 years in March. We had 2 children, both boys. So, yes, I have 3 children. This is not a typo!! SO, Molly will be 9 in May, Sam is 3 1/2, and Will is almost 17 months. Jack also adopted Molly in February of 1999, so we are all Freisbergs. We live in Caney, Ks. I work as an RN in the Psychiatric unit at Coffeyville hospital. Jack is Vice President of Commercial Bank in Independence. I'm very excited to see everyone in June and do some catching up! We will get a recent picture taken and get it posted in the near future!

Angie (Tesh) Kill...We don't have a current family pic, but will be getting one made soon. Until then, here is a picture of our children, Emily who is 5, and Lauren who is 3. (see class photo album) Tom and I have been married for nearly 9 years now. I am working as a Registered Nurse at Mercy Hospital in Independence in the Labor and Delivery Dept. I also work occasionally for Coffeyville Regional Medical Center. Tom is a Chiropractor here in Coffeyville, and has been in practice for 4 1/2 years now. Emily is a Kindergartner at Holy Name Catholic School, and Lauren will start preschool in the fall of 2002. We are very excited to see everyone in June! Email us and let us know how you are doing!!!

Sally Herrell...Hello all classmates of 1992!! Has it really been 10 years? I am living in Dallas,Texas where I am a middle school teacher and 7th grade athletic coach. I love the big city and everything it has to offer. I am still single but always looking for that Mr. Right. I do have company at home which I consider all the children I want at this time, my cat Addias and shih-tzu puppy Daisy Mae. Life is good but has been rough in last few years. I lost my dad to cancer and my mom was also diagnosed with it as well. She recovered very well and we dedicated ourselves in volunteering to help fight the battle against cancer. Anyway, I am just enjoying life everyday and living it to the fullest. I am trying hard to plan a successful reunion but finding it quite difficult being so far away. If anyone has any questions, would like to help, or have an address please feel free to email me or write me at Sally Herrell, 4153 N. O'Connor Blvd., Irving, Tx. 75062 Miss you all and look forward to seeing you all very soon. Much Love and God Bless-Sally K. Herrell

Mark Brown....I graduated in 1994 from Paramedic School and I am a Flight Paramedic for Med-Flight in Joplin, MO. We live in Carl Junction. After high school and Paramedic School I moved to Pittsburg, KS to attend Pitt State. In July 1996, I married Melinda(Turchek) Brown. Melinda graduated from Pittsburg State University with a degree in Marketing in 1996 and is a Corporate Account Manager for Freeman Health System. Our son, Zakory Michael was born on March 17,2000(St. Patrick's baby). We look forward to seeing everyone in June.

Curtiss Smith...Well, I am still in Coffeyville, married Monica Mansfield(class of 95). We are goin on 6 years of marriage.She is a nurse at CRMC,and i work at Jensens. We have Austin who will be 3 in July and Caden who was born Feb. 4th. (Yes i am a father,scary isnt it). I joined the army reserves after school for 8 years,got sent to Egypt for 3 weeks, but i did get to see the pyramids and the sphinx(they are absolutely HUGE!!) Lookin forward to seein how everyone is doin,and surely someone in our class has lost more hair than me!!!!

Jason Toney is a traveling Registered Nurse, currently assigned to a Cardio-Vascular Intensive Care Unit in Florida. He resides in St. Petersburg, FL and is preparing to begin working on his Masters Degree in Nursing. He is "loving life" and hopes everyone is doing well. He recently earned a promotion at the hospital where he works, and therefore doesn't know for sure if he will be able to make it back for the reunion. His address and phone number in case anyone wishes to contact him are:
Jason Toney
10265 Gandy Blvd North
St. Petersburg, FL 33702

Melinda McFate here, and of course, I never _really_ graduated from FKHS. But, I did graduate from the United World College of the American West (aka the "where the heck is that???" school) in 1993, went to Boston College, and graduated in 1997 with a BA in Russian (aka, the "what the heck are you ever goingto do with that???" degree). I got a job across the river in Cambridge and started the process of working my way through grad school, studying Applied Linguistics (aka, the "what the heck is that???" degree). One semester later, I had a 4.0 at Harvard and was completely broke! Someday I will finish that degree (yeah, mom, I _promise_!!!), but for the mean time I have been engaged with more important things. I married Michael Wittenburg, the man I had been waiting (impatiently!) for
since we met in 1987. Our son, Karl Frederick, is 3. We plan to have more children someday, but for now medical issues prevent it (I'm really tired of well-meaning people telling me it's time...).
Currently we live in Chattanooga, TN, where I work for the county in the Social Services Dept. I screen children for developmental delays, teach parenting classes, and conduct training seminars for pre-school teachers. Michael is the piano department at Lee University in Cleveland, TN, plays violin in the Chatt. Symphony and Huntsville, AL Symphony, and is the organist at Chattanooga's largest Methodist Church. I won't be able to bring him to the reunion because he's going away to summer camp in New Hampshire (I swear, men never grow up!), but Karl will be his stand-in, so I am assured a good-looking date! But for the 25-year age difference, the two of them are identical. Coffeyville will always be home, and I look forward to seeing each and every one of you. God Bless.

Salina (Smith) Meeks...So much to say and so little space to do it in. I can't believe it has been 10 years already. I graduated in 1997 from K-State. I am working on my administrative certification through PSU. I got married and had two kids on the spot on June 16th of last year. Troy Meek is my husband and our girls (ready made) are Abby and Ally. Abby is 6 and just "graduated" kindergarten and Ally is 3 and thinks she knows just as much as Abby. I live in the big C'Ville and teach 8th graders, no less, in Caney. Life is Great! Troy does mechanic work and body work on the side of his full time job at Union Pacific Rail Road and we just finished a '63 Ford Fairlane. We are going on the Hot Rod Power Tour at the End of May. Can't wait to see you all. I can't believe Becki posted that aweful picture of us. (pic to be posted soon)
Oh, the Dearing Days. See ya in June.

Julie Partridge...Hey everyone! Like everyone else, I can't believe that it has been 10 years since we graduated! After FKHS, I went to the Tri-C for two years, then got my bachelor's degree in psychology from K-State. I then got my master's in sport psychology (yes, it's a real degree) at the University of North Carolina. After 2 years in Chapel Hill, I moved to Greeley, CO, where I am currently completing my Ph.D. in sport and exercise psychology at the University of Northern Colorado. I am teaching and doing research here next year in the educational psychology department and am also a lecturer at the University of Denver. My fiance, Philip, is also a doctoral student here in exercise physiology, so we've got the whole body and mind thing covered. I am getting married the weekend before the reunion (June 22), so I won't be able to make the reunion, as I'll be on my honeymoon. I guess it would be kind of sick to say that I'll be thinking of you all on that weekend, so I'll just say have a great time!

Rick Seger...I spent 5 years at K-State, (I don't seem to remember much of it... so Kim must be correct). I graduated in '97 with a BS in Architectural Engineering, and went to work with a large A/E firm in Detroit (go Red Wings!!!). After about 3 years up there I decided it was time to warm up, so I transferred to our Phoenix office, of a changes-in-latitude, changes-in-attitude thing. I passed the Professional Engineering registration exam in January 2002, which means that the state of Arizona seems to think that I'm competent enough to be trusted with the safety of the public (scary, isn't it). Other than that, not married, no kids, not even any pets. Take care and see you in July.

Michele (Rose) & Ernie Wright... Wow, will anybody believe this one!? Most everyone knows Ernie and I got married 6/13/92 and ended up moving to Indianapolis. We bought our first house a year later. He worked as a construction foreman for a commercial construction company (they built the Conseco Fieldhouse & such), and I went to school in
Indianapolis. I finally got pregnant my last year of college. I graduated with a B.S. in accounting on
4/26/97 and gave birth to our first child (Steven) on 4/27/97. -(yes it took me five years to finish school!)
But, the funny thing is my water broke five minutes before we were to line up for the ceremony. Since I was graduating with honors, I guess they felt sorry for me and had a special ceremony for me four days later. They even had the Indianapolis news media on hand - we were on every local station for two days! A year and four months later, we had our second child (Samantha). We bought the house we thought we always wanted and everything was going great. I finally got the job I wanted at American Trans Air, working as an asset accountant for the airline. Ernie was finally getting somewhere (why he liked construction I will never know!), and he was a superintendent for a major commercial construction company in Indianapolis. The kicker is that last March, we sold our house, quit our jobs and moved to Wichita,Kansas. Ernie got his ministerial license and we have spent the last ten months going through a ministerial internship program through the Church of God. He's filled in several times for our pastor, and is preaching a revival the middle of July somewhere here in the state. I've been teaching a preschool Sunday school class and leading praise & worship. More than anything, we're just glad the internship is over....that was harder than all "five" years of college put together! We are now looking for a church to pastor - he wants to go towards Arkansas, but who knows!? We'll miss the class reunion - my mother in law has begged us to attend her family reunion that same weekend. Would love to hear from everyone, though!

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Susan (Murdock) Rogers..In 1997, I graduated from KU. Later that summer, Tony and I were married and we moved to Manhattan while he finished up at KSU. (Being a Jayhawk in Wildcat World took a little getting used to.) In December of 1998, Tony and I moved back around home. We now live just north of Caney. I am a pharmacist at Mercy Hospital in Independence. Tony is the Network Engineer for Phillips Petroleum in Bartlesville. In October 2000, our daughter Elizabeth was born. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion in June.

Becki (Logan) White....I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in June. I have been married for almost 7 years, to Mike White. We live north of Coffeyville. He works as a General Foreman for the Electrial Union out of Topeka. He is currently doing work at Farmland Refinery here in Coffeyville, for the union. I am a full time mom to a very busy 3 1/2 year old son named Bradley and we are expecting our second child (a girl) on April 4th. Hope everyone is doing well and we will see you this summer!!!

John Hoy...I graduated from Pittsburg State in 1996 with a Plastics Engineering degree and went to Denver for two years. During my stay out there I started dating Sarah Tesh (long distance) who moved out there in 1998 after she graduated Pittsburg State as an RN. We moved to Emporia in 1998 where I took a position with Hopkins Mfg. Corp. Sarah and I were married in Dec. 1998. Our son, Will, was born in June 2000 and is the center of our life now. Sarah is a nurse in the ER at Newman Memorial Hospital where she works the big one day a week : ) and is lucky enough to stay home with our son. My alter ego, Buster, went to Denver with me in 1996. We were thrown in the pen 6 months later which brought my new porn career to a sudden stop. When I got out, I went back to the rock as soon as possible. I lost my job at Denny's after "the incident" and lived in a box for 2 months before I was realized my calling. I moved back to Kansas where I now spend most of my time pimping out the services of Mark Brown. Pay is slim but we're making ends meet. I'll catch everyone up in June! Pictures will be coming soon.

Greg Grover..I graduated from CCC in 1994 and Pittsburg State University in 1996 with a Mechanical Engineering degree. I was employed by Funk Mfg from August of 1996 through April of 1999. I moved to North Carolina (Greenville) when I was hired as a Design Engineer with NACCO Material Handling Group (NMHG) in April of 1999. NMHG designs and produces Yale and Hyster forklifts. I married Misty (White) on October 21st, 2000 in Jamaica.
We are expecting a baby girl in May of 2002. I would like to hear from everyone to see how they are doing, my email address is greggrover@hotmail.com, please feel free to write. See everyone in June.

Heather (Tosh) Hendryx...My how time flies! It is hard to believe that we have hit our 10 years! The past 10 years have been pretty uneventful for me. I am still here in Coffeyville! After high school I spent a short semester at CCC, I soon found out I was tired of school and needed a break...a long one! In 1994, while employed at what is now known as Dana Automotive Controls, I married Curtis Hendryx (FKHS Class of 1990). In 1997 we had Hannah who is a great joy and to whom I gladly devote much time. In 1998 I began working for the City of Coffeyville where I am currently serving as the Deputy City Clerk. Things seemed to get more hectic as in the year 2001 I faced and finalized a divorce and also completed a three year program at Wichita State University for which I am currently working on obtaining an international certification as Municipal Clerk. All in all the 10 years have been good and I am looking forward to seeing you all in June!

Nick Marshall...I felt bad for giving such a short message on the bulletin board, so I will give more detail. I graduated from Brown Mackie College (junior college) and then on to the University of Kansas for Sports Management. In 1997, I became a High School Basketball, Football, and Baseball official. After a couple of years, I went move up and now I work NCAA and Junior College Basketball. I am not married at the time and don't have any kids, although I am the guardian of my 11 year old brother. We currently live in Lawrence and love it here. I can't believe that it has been 10 years since high school and I can't wait to see everyone again.

Allison (Howe) Pryor...After High School, spent a couple of years at CCC, finally finished my degree through Friends (not that I use it!) Got married September 1999 to Ted Pryor (from Tulsa) and we live in Claremore. Would love to hear from you!

Ric Shafer...Hi all. After two years at CCC, I went to Kansas State for my B.S. in Communication Studies. I loved the town so much, I stayed for a Masters and helped coach the forensics team. I then went to Nebraska to work on my PHD in Communication and Culture. Then, not quite having my fill of the Big 12, I moved to Lubbock, Texas to join the faculty at Texas Tech. I orignially planned to stay for a year, but I've decided to extend my contract for four additional years. Look forward to seeing you all soon. Hope life is treating you well.

Michael Bilby...Hi, I cant believe 10 yrs has actually passed. After graduation I attended Mid American Nazarene College. During my Junior year my grand father Passed away of Asbestosis(A form of Lung Cancer). When he passed away I lost all interest in School. So I moved to Wichita and went to work for Raytheon. A year later Cessna hired me to work on their flight line as a Avionics Tech. I worked there for 5 yrs and then decide to use what I learned while working at Cessna to see the U.S. Well a year ago a company named Dyncorp offered me a Job overseas. I took it and in South Korea right now work on military Reconaissance Aircraft. I will be transferring to Germany at the First of the year. Unfortuantely I will not be able to attend the Reunion. I am getting married and I can not get my Filipina Wife a Visa fast enough to make it. But I wish you all the best and I will make it to the next reunion.

David Schoonover...Hello all! Just after grad from the big FKHS I joined the fighting US Air Force. In '99, after 7 years of 'touring' the world, I landed in Wichita. I am married to my wonderful wife, Monique. (we just had our first anniversary.) After being here for 3 years I've finally come to terms with making Kansas my 'home'. We currently have no children, but the fun is in the practicing, right? We have 3 dogs - 2 dachsunds (Mickey and Dexter)and 1 English Pointer (Daisy). See you all at the reunion.

Kim (Dennis) Witt...Wow - -are you SURE it has been 10 years already?? It's funny how life kind of just happens while you're busy making other plans....here's the scoop on me: after graduation from FKHS, I went to K-State, where I graduated w/ a Bachelor's in Sociology, (but only while I wasn't busy keeping Rick Seger out of trouble -j/k, Rick!! - I think that he, Alec Hendryx, & I were the only FKSH grads there for quite a while). Anyway, then I went to the University of South Carolina & got a Master's Degree in Student Personnel Services (college freshman orientation, career counseling...stuff like that). Part of the graduate program required that you have a summer intern after your 1st year, & I ended up in Salt Lake City, where was
apparently where I was supposed to be, b/c I ended up engaged within a month & a half!!! Crazy, I know, but we've been married for 4 1/2 years now, & have a beautiful little girl, Alyssa Grace, who just turned 2 on May 20th (so Greg's daughter & mine share the same birthday - -Congrats, Greg & Misty!!) I did finish my Master's Degree, but I had to take my last 2 courses at the Univ. of Utah...and now I work at Fidelity Investments using neither of my degrees! - that's what I meant by life happening while you're busy making other plans! :-)
Unfortunately, I am the only one that will be able to come back for the reunion, but I'll bring pictures so
I can show off my adorable family! :-) See you all next month! Oh, my email addr is:
kim.witt@networld.com & snail mail is 4408 West 6095 South, Kearns UT, 84118

Bronda (Willard) Robbins...Well, guess its my turn to tell you what I've been up to. After HS, I moved to the thriving metropolis of Hesston, Kansas, to attend Hesston College. I earned a nursing degree and my Mrs. degree within five months of each other. My marriage was blessed with two wonderful children, Micha (6) and K.T. (4). Unfortunately, the marriage didn't last. Been divorced for a couple of years now, and am finding single parenthood an interesting experience. Wound up in Parsons for a year before the divorce, then moved to Wichita. I have been here since, working as the word processor for Gossen Livingston Associates, Inc., one of the largest architectural firms in the city. Besides working full time, I am the worship leader at my church, and have earned my Competent Toastmaster certification through Toastmasters International. The little ones and I recently lucked into a three-bedroom, two-bath house to rent, so are in the midst of packing and moving. I won't make it to the reunion, as we'll be moving that weekend, but feel free to drop me a line at brondar@swbell.net sometime, or drop by the firm if you're in town.
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.
Lana Miller...Since high school, I've had five girls, ages 9, 8, 8, 6 and 2...People have said I'm a clone machine, seeing how they all look a lot like me...I've been an exotic dancer for about six years...Recently, I've been modeling and am in the 2002 August edition of Genesis...I may be moving to either K.C. or Atlanta, Georgia soon...After that, I may move to Turkey...

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